Recording available of the GMF seminar on nuclear highlights from the local perspective
The GMF Seminar on “nuclear highlights from the local perspective” held virtually on 4 October 2020 is now available. The programme of the seminar is:
Welcome by the GMF President, Ms. Pia Almström
Decommissioning and radioactive waste: role of the European Commission and status in EU Member States, Mr. Jean-Philippe Guisset, Head of Sector – Decommissioning, DG Energy
Local perspective of the GMF municipalities with nuclear facilities
-Belgium, Mr. Kris van Dijck, mayor of Dessel
-Sweden, Ms. Pia Almström, mayor of Kävlinge
-Slovenia, Mr. Miran Stanko, mayor of Krsko
-Netherlands, Mr. Gerben Dijksterhuis, mayor or Borsele
-Russia, Mr. Nikolai Netyaga, chairman of the ANPPT Fund
-Finland, Mr. Vesa Lakaniemi, Mayor of Eurajoki
-Spain, Mr. Mariano Vila d’Abadal, Advisor of AMAC
-Hungary, Mr. Csaba Dohoczki, Head of Communication at PIP regional development for Paks 2 NPP
-UK, Mr. Philip Matthews, Executive Director at NuLeAF