GMF events – January 2024


This year brings us plenty of opportunities for networking and sharing experiences
around different topics of interest for nuclear local communities. 

The main events organised by GMF and those in which in which GMF is invited include:

24 January, online –  “Good practices of cooperation between infrastructure operators and local governments: seizing opportunities and avoiding threats”  organised by the Department of Regional and Spatial Development of Pomerania Province in Poland to prepare the municipalities in their region for the planned construction of a nuclear power plant. GMF and KSO Sweden are invited to share their experience.

21-22 March, Brussels (Belgium) – First Nuclear Energy Summit co-organised by the Government of Belgium and the International Atomic Energy Agency. The GMF President, Mr. Gerben Dijksterhuis is an invited speaker to address public perception of nuclear power and stakeholder engagement, bringing the perspective of the municipalities hosting nuclear facilities. GMF members interested to participate should contact the coordinator at More information:  here

17-19 April, Loviisa (Finland) – GMF Internal Strategic meeting with the extended steering committee (at least one representative per country is invited to participate) to address strategic issues of the association. A technical visit will also be organised.

8-9 May, Kennewick  (Washington, US)  ECA Forum Building Nuclear Partnerships & Projects.  More information: here

22-24 May, Saint Vulbas, Ain (France) GMF – ARCICEN co-organised seminar on “the role of local communities in the energy transition: new nuclear developments” and technical visit.

18-20 September, Oskarshamn (Sweden) Converging Energy Technologies Conference CET2024. More information: here

19-20 September, Paris (France) 2nd Roadmaps to New Nuclear 2024 conference. Last year, GMF President Pia Almström was invited to talk at the 1st edition of this important conference. More information: here

8-9 October, Salamanca (Spain) GMF General Assembly, seminar and visit to the fuel assembly manufacturing plant of Juzbado.

21-25 October, Vienna (Austria)- IAEA Technical Meeting on Strengthening Stakeholder Engagement in Radioactive Waste Management

tbd November – European Nuclear Energy Forum, Prague