GMF participated at FORATOM annual event

The GMF co-ordinator, Dr. Meritxell Martell, participated in the FORATOM annual event last 14 June 2021 in a panel session on public opinion for or against. You can listen to her main points from minute 55:00 in the video and from then onwards, she answers to some of the questions raised by the participants.

We would like to thank FORATOM for this opportunity to convey the point of view of the local level in a panel discussion with high level speakers.

The question that should be raised, according to the GMF, is not so much for or against nuclear energy, but how do local communities live with nuclear facilities and what can be done to improve their well-being, to have access to prompt and timely information and to be engaged in the nuclear debate and decision-making surrounding nuclear matters. GMF is willing to collaborate with different organisations and institutions so that local stakeholders can have a say in nuclear issues which concern their territory.