Members of the GMF Steering Committee will participate at the ECA Nuclear Development Forum: Building Capacity and Opportunity, from 17 to 19 May in Paducah (Kentucky) in the United States. Paducah, Kentucky, is an ideal location to explore future nuclear development and opportunities to leverage and transition an energy workforce and existing infrastructure.

GMF will learn from the current situation in the U.S. regarding new nuclear projects. Communities in the U.S. are considering nuclear projects for many reasons – from diversifying regional economies, creating clean energy jobs or meeting carbon reduction goals, to increasing energy security and rebuilding the U.S. supply chain. Some communities have a familiarity with nuclear energy projects, while others are just beginning to evaluate potential interest. The ECA Forum is designed to bring communities, SMR and advanced nuclear project developers, federal and state government together to enable shared learning and to build the partnerships necessary to address opportunities for new nuclear development.

GMF will have a presentation after the global partnership set up last November between the three organisations: GMF in Europe, Energy Communities Alliance in the US and the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities in Canada. The three associations have had monthly virtual meetings to exchange information on how local communities are facing new nuclear development projects in different parts of the world.