News GMF – February 2023


GMF meeting in Kalná nad Hronom, Slovakia,

27-29June 2023

Kalná nad Hronom will be the location of the next GMF meeting. It is the first time that GMF members will visit this municipality in the district of Levice, Slovakia. We will meet on 27th June evening for networking and dinner. On 28th June we will learn more about the process to build the new unit 3 at Mochovce nuclear power plant as well radioactive waste management. We will visit energoland, an interactive information centre for energy and electricity generation or the nuclear and decommissioning company Javys. The preliminary agenda will follow soon with further information on logistics.

Welcome to the new members from Norway and Switzerland

The commune of Halden in Norway and the communes of Weiach and Würenlingen in Switzerland have joined GMF. Halden is home to the boiling water reactor, which was used for research and was shut down in 2018. The reactor is set to be decommissioned by the state-owned company Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning, which resides in Halden.
In Switzerland, Würenlingen hosts the central interim storage facility Zwilag as well as the federal storage at Paul Scherrer Institute. Nagra, the National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, proposes Nördich Lágern as the site for a deep geological repository. The entrance to the repository is to be constructed in the community of Stadel and the transhipment station is planned in Weiach. The encapsulation plants for the waste are planned to be constructed at Zwilag.
Check the nuclear highlights written by the mayors of these communes. Norway and Switzerland
We hope to meet the mayors of the new communes soon in the next in-person or online events! Welcome to GMF!


17-19 May 2023

After the visit of the GMF coordinator, Meritxell Martell, at the first forum on new nuclear development organised by Energy Communities Alliance (ECA) in Salt Lake City in August 2022, the relationship between GMF and ECA is consolidated. The October 2022 Technical Meeting at the IAEA in Vienna resulted in the Global Partnership between GMF in Europe, ECA in the United States and CANHC in Canada. The three organisations have regular meetings to explore synergies and learn from each other.
GMF and CANHC will now be present at the ECA Nuclear Development Forum “Building Capacity and Opportunity” from 17-19 May in Paducah, Kentucky (United States). This forum is the second hosted by ECA as part of the New Nuclear Initiative to define the role of local governments and partnerships necessary to develop priorities, policies, educational resources and outreach on new nuclear development.
Further information and agenda at:
Group of European Municipalities
with Nuclear Facilities
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