The Swedish Association of Municipalities with Nuclear Facilities (KSO) arranges joint training for the local safety  committees every four years at the beginning of their new term of office.
Between March 29-31, 2023, about 25 people from the nuclear power municipalities Oskarshamn/Oskarshamn NPP, Varberg/Ringhals NPP and Östhammar/Forsmark NPP participated in a joint training that was carried out at the Ringhals NPP in Varberg.
Many of the members in local safety committees are new in their assignments in the committees and the training programme was therefore very much appreciated by the participants.
The programme included, among other  issues, information from the State Secretary of climate and environment ministry about the government’s energy policy and the investment in nuclear energy. The Radiation Safety Authority’s (SSM) Director General provided general information about the authority’s mission and tasks. Representatives from SSM also provided information on laws and regulations in the area of nuclear power and radiation safety as well as the authority’s supervisory activities. In addition, SSM informed the government mandate regarding new and existing nuclear power and efficient permit processes for the authority to be able to handle both larger nuclear power plants and Small Modular Reactors, SMRs. The authority has also identified what needs to be adjusted in the regulations.
The programme also included a visit to the Ringhals NPP. The company management informed about Vattenfall’s ongoing feasibility study on new nuclear power technology and SMRs at Ringhals NPP. The staff presented radiation and radiation protection, radiation safety and defense in depth, reactor safety and emergency preparedness. The Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB Co) informed about the system for handling radioactive waste in Sweden. The County Administrative Board in Halland County provided information about the new preparedness zones at the nuclear facilities and nuclear energy preparedness in the county. Finally, the participants also took a tour of the Ringhals training center and visited the control room simulator.

The delegates assembled in the Ringhals Information Centre in the picture below.